You Only Need These 4 Spring Essentials
Samudraki's Saturdays Look out your window and you'll see small purple crocuses sprinkled all over the city. This only means one thing - that spring is just around the corner, if not already here! Thus, I'm listing out the ONLY 4 kinds essentials you will need to welcome the Dutch spring weather. 1. Clothing Spring time means it's time to pack away those thick winter sweaters and bring out your pastel and floral tops, cardigans and skirts! Although the sunny days are a blessing, spring time is the worst time of the year for Dutchies due to several storms and heavy rain, so stay protected and keep an umbrella handy AT ALL TIMES! As far as clothing goes, just pack a hoodie in your bag anyways, or wear a puffy bomber jacket with a hood that will keep you warm and dry. 2. Food Get that spring feeling with flowery teas and fresh fruit. Not only is it super healthy and refreshing, but it's also super aesthetic if you're into that! Bust out that blender and invent ...